Mintson Tech is actively advancing projects on a daily basis, exploring the shape of a digital society that harmonizes with nature and striving to implement it. Our goal is to build a digitally centered society where diversity is seamlessly integrated, by seeking a balance between digitization and traditional values, ensuring that no one is left behind. We embrace the vision of being "Digitally Harmonized."—overlooking the world from the perspective of digital technology, driving its transformation, and working towards its realization.

In the current decade of the 2020s, society is hindered by various "constraints" stemming from industrial production processes and the formation of modernity, limiting the diversity of products, society, and lifestyles. We recognize that many of these social challenges arise from the friction between human societal systems and the structures of modern industrial development and capitalist social constructs. Machine learning and automation technologies, addressing challenges that low-cost digital technologies and human intelligence cannot solve alone, are likely to propose new means of issue resolution. The natural permeation of digital technology into living spaces, production processes, and social systems is poised to guide the world back to a diverse and harmonious equilibrium. We aspire to be a leading company in solving challenges within this realm.

We focus on projects such as digital transformation in the field, digitalization of the physical world, and the creation of new value axes in audio-visual experiences. Through innovation in the interface domain connecting digital and physical worlds, we aim to be the "driving force of societal change." We strive to be a platform that can propose comprehensive solutions to challenges, ranging from academia to on-the-ground problem-solving, as we explore the changing images of society and the future.

From formulating a digitally rebalanced vision to its implementation, Mintson Tech continues to collaborate with numerous partner companies in the creative process. We eagerly await partners who can explore and contribute to this new world under the current trend.

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